Monday, November 17, 2014

Trancending into Universal and Divine Consciousness

Channeled through Eric Breault 

Greetings beloved ones, we are your divine brothers and sisters beyond your earthly realm.  We have noticed that there are more and more souls like yourself awakening and tapping into your divine essence.  Presently, you are tuning into your oneness connection with the universal and divine consciousness.  This divine connection is the next leap in consciousness that you as humanity is ready to participate in.  Developing an awareness of your unconditional loving connection with the divine is intensifying and speeding you through your ever expansive journey of transcendence.
We understand that there are those who are clouded in perception about this shift that is taking place amongst many on your present 3rd dimensional matrix reality. It doesn't mean that they are not going to be part of this grand and intense process.  These souls are experiencing a lot of inner trials and tribulations, which is manifesting heightened drama and chaos in their life.  This is the universe's way of redirecting them towards their divine nature, if they so choose to embrace their divinity wholeheartedly.   They all have an opportunity to expand in consciousness by looking within and embracing their true essence. 
There is even a percentage of human's who are increasingly becoming more judgmental and hateful as they delve deeper into the illusion of separation.  They don't want to let go of the old ways of being.  The more they anchor themselves onto the old ways, the more negativity  manifest in their mind, body and heart.  They are constantly withholding themselves from letting go and allowing bliss to flow through them.  The fear of change will do nothing, but cause an intensification of the imbalanced emotional energies to burn and blow up in rage.  This blockage in the divine flow will cause some unusual behaviors in many.  It doesn't mean that they can't participate in the awakening as well. There is a strong opportunity for them to shift into the vibration of love, if they so choose to let go and allow divinity to shine through their hearts. 
Embracing your connection with the divine will allow you to remember that divinity has always existed beyond the appearance of your outside world, but has always resided within the depth of your being. You are beginning to step out of the fear based existence and rise into a higher dimensional and loving way of perception.  Tapping into the divinity within will allow you to shift and ascend to a more expanded and higher states of universal consciousness.  This allowance of the divine flow will steer you towards honesty.  Being honest with yourself will allow you to be honest with others. 
You will develop a powerful knowing of your eternal and boundless connection with the divine.  You will truly know that you have never been separate from the divine flow of the Universe.   This divine knowingness will allow you to embrace all the challenges that comes your way.  You will intuitively see challenges as lessons where you have the opportunity in gaining new insights, awakening to your intuitive abilities and discovering your lost hidden gifts. These new talents and gifts will be perceived beyond your present comprehension.  As you continue through the never-ending shifts that takes place throughout the coming years, others around you will begin to embark on the same journey of spiritual awakening.   It's like a domino effect is at play here.  When one begins to shift to a higher level of perception, it begins to ripple outwards throughout humanity. Every  hour, day, month and year more of humanity begins to join in on this amazing process of ascension.
The realization of your oneness connection with divinity will allow infinite and universal knowledge to flow through you freely.  You will gather knowledge that will assist you on your individual journey of spiritual awakening.  Knowledge breeds higher levels of understanding about the laws of the universe.    You will begin to experience total alignment with the universe.  Tuning in to the divine and universal flow will allow you to express your oneness connection with the universe.  Grand things will come to you as you ascend to higher levels of consciousness.  You will have a knowing that you are the creator of your own universe.
Take time in meditation, prayer and reflection.   Drink lots of water.  Breath, relax and let go.  Take a stance and welcome your divine connection.  Embrace the divine wisdom that eternally flows through you.  Thank source for the information that allows you to express your divinity.  See beyond ownership and attachment to everything around you.  Trust and know that everything is truly in divine order.  Know it is so!!! 
~The divine in us salutes to the divine in you.  Namaste~

Saturday, November 15, 2014

New Divine Gifts Awakening

Greeting and New Divine Gifts

     Greetings beloved ones, we are your divine brothers and sisters beyond your earthly realm.  We come from the heavens to guide you through the process of awakening that is rippling throughout humanity.  There has been a lot of intensity and fire going on within many.  All this has caused a purging to surface amongst those who are in resonant with the flow of the divine.  This intense release is bringing a lot of you towards a deeper and more expanded purpose in life.  There have been many gifts given during the past couple of months.  They have entered into fruition during the transition from August into October.  The manifestation of gifts are coming in many forms.  They can be new careers, education, relationships, spiritual wisdom and more developed intuition.  You will find that there will be more trust in this process of awakening.  This trust will allow you to stay more focused on your spiritual journey.

The Higher Dimensional Love Vibration

     The love vibration has risen on your planet during the past month as you passed through the thinning of the veil between the spiritual and physical realm.  This caused a lot of you to feel heightened emotional energy.  There is a purpose for all of this overwhelming energy.  The intensity of all this bombardment of emotional energy is causing you all to draw inwards and practice more self healing techniques.  You are developing the motivation to practice on healing the self because you are beginning to realize fully that you are the number one person who needs to be taken care of on your own journey of awakening.  During this process of healing, you will feel the surfacing of negative and imbalanced karma.  This karmic release will allow you to vibrate at a higher and more expanded loving vibration.  You will begin to smile at the universe and say "I am finally realizing my divine purpose.  I am ready to receive the new downloads of information being brought to the forefront of my thoughts.  I am truly blessed. I know it is so!  Namaste"  You are entering a new beginning in your journey where there will be different lessons and challenges.  Your trust and comfort zone within these lessons and challenges will be fully felt as you move towards the end of this year. More openings and opportunities will surface as you progress through the next year.

Necessary Spiritual Tools During this Time of Transition

     You may notice that there will be a sense of vulnerability during this recent expansion in consciousness that is effecting many of you on your planet.  It is very important to practice grounding techniques and do meditation  because of the higher frequency of love flowing through you.    It will take time to adjust to the higher dimensional energies.  Sleep is necessary during these times of purging and releasing because you will be able easily assimilate with the higher vibrational energies.  Surrounding yourself with white light and protection is important as well because of the sensitivity and vulnerability towards other thoughts and negative emotions.  Feel free to call upon us , if you are not sure what to do.  We have amazing gifted divine ones who can assist in grounding you during your meditation or prayer.  We are your supportive and loving family of light living beyond your present dimension. We are truly happy with the recent leap in consciousness that you have undergone.

The divine love in us salutes to the divine love in you.  We are one.   Namaste