Friday, November 13, 2015

The Ascension Portal & Humanities Awakening


                                                By Eric Breault

     Beloved ones on mother and father earth, you have come a long ways on your spiritual journey of empowerment.  You are now entering a new endeavor as you tune into your divine radiance of unconditional love.  As you connect with your essence, you are intuitively being encouraged to incorporate more healthier eating habits, exercises and mindfulness practices into your daily life as you boldly walk through the process of ascension.  

     Spiritually, mentally and physically, a lot has been transpiring throughout the global consciousness of many on your planet. Recently, millions made the decision to join in actively on the process of ascension.  Many like yourself are undergoing a state of emergence as you collectively experience an influx of higher dimensional frequencies from the galactic center of the milky way.  

     The bombardment  of the higher dimensional frequencies have grown exponentially in the past week as you walked through the November 11/11 at 11:11 crystal and earth grid portal gateway opening into a higher state of being.  In gratitude, many of you have taken the opportunity to spend time in meditation and heal during this powerful time or purging, which contributed to the enhancement of the higher dimensional frequencies of light and divine love. 

     The immense changes that have came forth during this portal opening are now integrating the higher dimensional energies that are permeating throughout your whole being.  You are receiving downloads of information that are allowing you to go through the process of resolution, where you begin to look within more deeply and release imbalanced karmic experiences that no longer serves you.  As you continue to go through this process of releasing at a deeper level, you will begin to awaken and express more of your higher divine self. 

     As you process this energy of ascension in the coming days and months, you will begin to gradually tune into your wholeness. You will experience a sensation of having energy surges, heat flashes, tingly sensations, body twitches, heart palpitations and intense dreams as you adjust to the higher dimensional energies.  You may even experience the ringing in your ears as you adjust to this powerful and uplifting energy.  Remember, your physical body takes more time to process this energy than your chakras and subtle energy field.  Your physical body is slowly getting rid of the blockages and toxic density of the 3rd dimensional energy body.  You are peeling away what no longer serves you and beginning to integrate more fluidity and balance into your existence.   This process of developing your wholeness will bring you into a state of your divine remembrance.  This wholeness entering your field of awareness will help you develop the realization that you need to equally honor both your physical and spiritual wellbeing. You will also see that it is critical to create wholeness with both your feminine and masculine self. Plus, you will begin to honor both the higher dimensional energy of the divine sacred mother earth and the lower dimensional energy of the physical sacred father earth as one.  This bridging of the heavenly earth and physical earth will allow the process of empowerment and healing to take place on your beloved planet.

     Trust and know that you truly are on a sacred journey towards oneness.  When you continue on this voyage into wholeness, you will give others the opportunity to participate in this process of ascension.  Remember to always live in gratitude at all times.  Plus, make sure to always shine divine love upon all those whom you encounter.  May you be well on your endeavor.  Namaste     


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Flowers brings rememberence

"As you lose your way through the journey of life, you need the opportunity to head outdoors and see the beauty of what nature offers you in remembrance.   The morning dew brings releasing tears into your eyes.  The sunlight makes you smile with radiance.  The flowers awakens bliss into your heart.  Nature truly graces your soul with the breathe of unconditional love." - Eric Breault

Unconditional Love is a Blessing

"It is a blessing when you take the time to look within and tune into your unconditional loving essence. By allowing the unconditional loving expression from the divine blossom outwards out of your heart, you will be gifted the ability to spread the love and healing to all those whom you encounter through your miraculous journey of bliss." - Eric Breault

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A Call from the Elementals

Channeled through Eric Breault

     Greetings our beloved divine brothers and sisters of earth. We are a call from the elementals.  We have been working extensively on our beloved Gaia, the living earth. We have noticed energy changes taking place as the veil thins more and more.  It is causing some strange abnormalities to take place throughout your land, ocean and weather. No concerns dear ones because it is all part of a grand process, which will be explained in this upcoming message.

     We have noticed that there has been an intensification of extreme weather manifesting in your reality.  This will continue on throughout your earth year as mother earth goes through what is called the process of purification.  The extremes in your weather are reflecting the extreme purging and cleansing that is going on within you.  It is all part of the ascension process that is taking place.  

      As you progress through this ascension process, you will begin to question the way you have been dishonoring the earth environment.  Great sadness will surface as you develop the realization that your negative thoughts and actions as a collective species have directed harmful energy towards your beloved planet.  This act of disrespect towards mother earth is mirroring the disrespect you have towards yourselves.  This powerful realization is a stepping stone for true healing to take place for both you and your planet. 

     The realization of the turmoil that you as humanity have caused to mother earth, will begin to steer you inwards towards your divine essence.  Through this inner journey, you will tune into the energy of love, balance and stability.  In doing so, you will open the door for others to take part in this process of awakening.  The more who join, the more it vibrates throughout the awareness of humanity.  The ever expansion and growth of participants in this process of awakening, will speed up the healing for all Earth inhabitants and Mother Earth. 

     As you collectively shift into the consciousness of love in the coming years, you will begin to honor and respect Mother Earth more.  This transformation from dishonoring to honoring the earth will hit critical mass and ripple throughout the collective consciousness of humanity.  You will begin to find ways to be more honorable to your beloved Gaia.  You will develop and incorporate higher dimensional loving technologies and begin to commune in oneness with the elements of mother earth.   
   You will begin to remember and embrace the spiritual element known as the Ether.  You will begin to bridge the element Ether with the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water.  Ether is the key ingredient in creating a higher dimensional planetary system.  By allowing Ether to participate in the elemental system, you will begin to see higher dimensional expressions surface in your reality.  It is time to realize that Ether plays a major role in manifesting all the other elements.  Combining all of these elements will begin to create a powerful spark that will fire up the consciousness of Gaia and humanity.   

     As part of the calling, we are here to assist you in your oneness connection with Mother Earth.  All you have to do is look within deeply through meditation and embrace the divine energies that are flowing through you.  Then we will guide you in connecting with our beloved Mother Gaia. There is such great wisdom to be shared with you from her great spirit.  Miraculous healing will take place, once you tune into her consciousness.  Through your communion with her, you will realize that you has humanity are in essence at one with her. 

     It is such an honor to tune into your consciousness at this time.  Now, we open hearts and pour out an abundance of love upon you and the rest of humanity.  The divine in us forever shines radiantly upon the divine in you. We are one.  Namaste