Thursday, March 12, 2020

Dimensional Shift 2020


Dimensional Shift


Channeled to Eric Breault

     Greetings our beloved divine brothers and sisters of earth.  We are your galactic family and call upon you from beyond the heavenly skies. It is such an honor for us to be connecting with you at this time of great transformation and purification on your planet. We have an important message about the process of ascension you all are presently going through. We know that it isn't an easy process to undergo, especially when you are facing challenges. These challenges are drawing you inwards and posing you to question the reality that you live in. We encourage you to step back, stay centered in love, faith and trust as you continue to experience the transmission.  

     During the past several years, we have been keeping a close eye on the break down of your 3rd dimensional control matrix system throughout the collective consciousness of your planet. We knew a challenging global event would eventually trigger this collapse that is taking place in your current society.  Know that this collapse is necessary, in order for your world to take the next leap in consciousness.  This world will gradually shift into a state of harmony, flow and oneness.  We will clarify this process as we move forward with this message.    

     Recently, there has been high frequency of light bathing your planet. It has triggered a deep fear to surface within the collective consciousness of humanity.  The corona virus has surfaced in sync with the light frequency bombardment.  When very intense light frequencies like the recent one hit your planet, it has a tendency to manifest a large scale event that will surface anxiety and fear in the collective consciousness of humanity.  Basically, humanity as a collective are experiencing the dark night of the soul.  This means that everyone is in the process of facing their fears and transmuting them into light.  

     Energetically, the Corona virus is causing a break down in your 3rd dimensional matrix system.  Physically, you can see this taking place in the collapse of your global economic structure.  Your world is on a brink of a major change, unlike any other.  The collective fear will continue to surface and release as the paradigm shift continues.  As you delve deeply in the process, your blind eye will begin to see through the illusion of your old paradigm based on fear.
     The heightened fear is triggering an opportunity for a dimensional shift to take place in your present fall of your matrix system.   As the momentum progresses, you will be guided to look more deeply within the depth of your being.  You will begin to detach and see the illusion of what is taking place in your reality.  You will begin to transcend the fear based patterns that has been withholding you from your authentic self.  

     The inner work and deep reflection is a necessary process as you walk through the trials and tribulations of the Coronavirus and the collapse of your global economy. This process will allow you the grand opportunity to expand and develop the ability tune into the higher dimensional frequency that will be opening up in your perception and consciousness between 2020 to 2030 as you walk through the 4th dimensional rainbow bridge. This gradual process of disintegration and purification within your 3rd dimensional matrix system and rainbow bridge integration will suddenly empower you to initiate major steps in raising your consciousness into the 5th dimensional system. This reality of oneness will lead you into a path of transcendence, which will burn away the dense fear and separation from your essence.  
      The acceleration of the ascension process will eventually peel  away your eyes of illusion. This peeling away will allow you to develop a 5th dimensional perception. Through this heightened perception, you will develop an intuitive realization that oneness allows you to tap into your true self.  You will continue to to break away the dense barriers of illusion and tune into your inner bliss. 

     As you continue to integrate more oneness in your life, you will begin to perceive more beauty, radiance and love within self and all. Once you reach your next juncture on your ascension journey, you will trust and know your authenticity in the space of oneness. 

     The perception of oneness will assist you in creating the 4th dimensional rainbow bridge of light and sound between the 3rd and 5th dimension, which will grant you the ability to expand into the 5th dimensional state of pure consciousness. Transcending into the higher dimensional state of awareness will allow you to fully tap into the flow of authenticity and freedom. 

     As you progress through this process of spiritual awakening, you will begin to look within more deeply and realize your divine connection with all living things. This oneness connection in the higher dimensional state of awareness will permit you to express purified state of consciousness.  After the great purification, you will develop a knowing that tuning into your oneness state of consciousness will allow divinity within you to shine forth in your reality. 

     The 4th dimensional rainbow bridge between the 3rd dimensional earth and 5th dimensional earth will allow you to activate, process and integrate the higher dimensional frequencies. This process of integration has been going on since 2012 and recently started to accelerate exponentially since January of 2020 as the light and sound bombardment began the process of burning away the layers of the 3rd dimensional matrix system. The integration will allow many to undergo a powerful purification process. This process of purging toxicity within the heart, body and mind are preparing you to enter a 5th dimensional state of consciousness.

     You are all making preparations to leave the fear based reality into an all loving one through a self initiation process. It is vital that you tune into the depth of your heart and mind during deep states of breathing and meditation. Plus, drink lots of water and eat healthier foods during these times of great shifts.  Have faith and trust the process. Just know that the ascension process is coming together perfectly, according to the divine intervention call that has been intensely echoing light and sound out of the galactic center in the past few months. It is time to know and trust the process of divine intervention. You are truly ready to know your oneness connection with the cosmos. Allow the higher dimensional energy flow through you freely. It is time to be the radiant stars in the heavens.

      You may not see us in spirit, but we are with you at heart throughout eternity. We have infinite gratitude for all of the phenomenal work you have accomplished. We know you will achieve a lot more in the coming years. Keep up with this intense spiritual work beloved ones. The divine in us embraces the divine in you. We are one. Namaste