Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Ascension Wave

Channeled by  Eric Breault

     Hello beloved beings, we are your galactic family of light and call upon you from beyond the heavenly skies. We are grateful to be present with you during a powerful time in your world.  Know that you all are embarking on a journey of heart expansion into oneness, where you will be embodying more of your inner light, love and authenticity.  As you continue on reading, we encourage you to use discernment and digest information that resonates with you spiritually.  

     You as humanity are presently experiencing a powerful transformation process as you continue to face your shadow selves through the intensity of the global challenges.  As you continue to tread the rough seas in your outer reality, you will be guided to delve inwards more deeply than ever.  Your inner process will allow you to awaken hidden and dormant aspects of your being.  You will be integrating and processing these aspects, so that you can represent more of your authenticity. These lost expressive states of being are meant to awaken you more out of your deep slumber, so that you can be more fully in the intensity of the higher dimensional frequencies that will be vibrating throughout the collective consciousness of humanity and other earthly inhabitants in the coming weeks and months.

     The shift in dimensional frequencies rippling throughout your collective reality will continue intensify as you progress through the coming days, weeks and months.  As you move forward on your ascension process, you will be given an opportunity to create more balance in your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies. As you continue to tune into a space of mindful presence during this expansive process, you will deeply experience the miraculous and transformative power of these higher dimensional frequencies.   

     The energy waves of transformation will allow you to grasp more of your higher dimensional nature.  This intensive process will shake and purge out what no longer serves you.  It is vital for you to drink plenty of water, breath, detach and release as you continue to process and assimilate the frequencies that radiate at a higher octave.  This intensive process will activate a pure expressive state of oneness, divine radiance and unconditional love.  You will enter a heart centered space of faith and trust, which will light a path of clarity ahead of you.

       As you continue on with your process of spiritual integration and refinement, you will begin to tap into more of higher self.  This process can temporarily create a sense of grief because you are letting go of your attachment to your ego self as you integrate more of your higher self into your being.   You are no longer allowing ego to fully run your life, but instead you are the captain of your ego.  This process can cause you to feel empty because you have cut your ties with ego's grip on you.    

      Know that you all have invested wisely on your spiritual journey in the past`years and decades, but you still have more deep and intensive work to contend with.  Those of you who are getting ready to initiate this process more deeply are actually the next wave of souls who are joining the ranks of millions who are on this journey of ascension already.  By joining this amazing process of light expansion, you will accelerate this empowering process of awakening in the collective consciousness even more. 

     Collectively, you are all presently experiencing a third eye activation as you develop a deep intuitive realization that you can create a magnificent futurist world that is primarily heart focused. Know that your higher expression of compassion and empathy will create a bridge for others to follow.

     It is vital that you tune into your heart's center and continue on with the process of spiritual refinement, so that you can incorporate more dormant ways of being into the forefront of your eyes of perception.  As you continue to activate and align yourself through spiritual refinement, you will allow yourself the opportunity to take major leaps in your process of ascension.   

     Remember to stay heart centered and in the flow of this miraculous process because it will clear a pathway on your ascension journey into oneness. Know that persistently tuning into this flow will awaken a pure state of effortless radiance that leads you into the realm of synchronicity.   

      We are grateful for the willingness, dedication and effort in your process of spiritual refinement. You are all truly on the path heart expansion into oneness.  May you keep on with spreading love, compassion and kindness towards self and all.  Know that we are one.  Be well on your journey. Namaste blessings to all!