Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Call from Archangel Uriel and Ascension Master Hilarion

There is a powerful ray of light that has been beaming in the collective consciousness of humanity in the past few weeks. This has posed many beloved beings of light to come forth and relay powerful transmissions to those who are ready to rise in dimensional awareness. 

Archangel Uriel and Ascension Master Hilarion are presently in collaboration, as we take the next leap in consciousness.   They have been motivated to come of assistance during our present transformation at all levels.  They are strongly encouraging all of us to bring more balance, harmony and healing in our spiritual awakening process. To ease the process, we need to open our hearts to them fully.  They are not going to intervene, unless we allow them to do so. 

Here is a great way of allowing them to lovingly intervene.  Say to them, "I call upon Archangel Uriel and Ascension Master Hilarion to enter my space of healing, so that my being can achieve peace, balance and harmony.  I openly believe that you two are coming to assist me through this present process of ascension that is taking place.  I embrace this divine and miraculous ray of light that you beloved ones are beaming through my whole being.  I trust and know that healing is happening at all levels. I am grateful for all of the amazing work you do for me, so that I can move ahead on my journey of expansion.  Namaste Blessings to the both of you.  Amen."

Remember to stay focused in trust as you progress through your spiritual awakening process.  Know that you are loved by many beings of light.  They are here to support us in any way they can, so that we can move forward boldly on this challenging earthly endeavor.

Keep up with the amazing work that you are doing for yourself and others in the name of love.  Be the transformation that you desire to see in this ever changing world.

Love, Light and Blessings to all.  Namaste

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