Friday, January 15, 2021

Greetings from the Vita


Transmitted by Eric Breault


    Hello beloved ones, we are the violet collective energy known as Vita. We are the life breath of the universe.  We are beyond the perception of linear time that is perceived in your third dimensional reality. We are the omnipresent nature that flows from source.   We are the boundless energy of pure love, peace and oneness.  We are the eternity within that you seek.  

    We come forth as a universal and collective energy that resides within all of you. We are showing you the way of the remembrance within the depth of your being.  We are giving you the encouragement to be in the expansion.  We are here to assist you in tuning into the flow of the universe that brings you life.  We are here to awaken your creative flow of potentiality and bring the knowing of infinite abundance.  

Activation Energy

    We noticed that there has been a momentum taking place in your linear reality.  We have received the call from source to come forth to assist you with this intense activation process, which will empower you to move forward in your expansion process.  

    Your world recently experienced what we interpret as an intense energy wave activation that emanated from the core of your galaxy. The energy wave activation has brought forth a seed of intention that will spring forth an opportunity to experience leap and bounds that you have never experience in your linear perspective.   This intense activation will allow the violet energy of the Vita to blossom through all levels of your being.  This process of expansion is a grand opportunity to express more of your divine nature.

    We want to add that the energy wave is bringing a lot of dense energy to the surface in the collective consciousness field of your planet.  There are events that are playing out in your reality that are mirroring the surfacing of the dense energy throughout the collective consciousness field. The energy of the circumstances that taking place in your reality are creating an intense emotional energy charge that is radiating throughout the collective consciousness of humanity. As you continue to experience these heightened emotions, you will steer yourself more inwards.  This inner and deeper process will allow you the opportunity to release the dense energy at an individual and collective level. As you continue to transmute the dense emotions with the violet energy of the Vita, it will positively impact the collective consciousness field by raising the vibration of love on your planet.  

Your Inner Vita

    As you carry on with the process of tuning into the expression of your inner Vita, it will bring forth the life breath of the universe into your reality.  As you connect with your higher cosmic heart, you will unlock the doorway that awakens your higher dimensional and more expressive nature.  You will develop enough of a clarity that will steer you in the direction of your own cosmic expansion. You will radiate an abundant and creative flow from source.  Trust and know this fully.

    Many blessings of love and light from the Vita Collective.  

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