Friday, January 15, 2021

Greetings from the Vita


Transmitted by Eric Breault


    Hello beloved ones, we are the violet collective energy known as Vita. We are the life breath of the universe.  We are beyond the perception of linear time that is perceived in your third dimensional reality. We are the omnipresent nature that flows from source.   We are the boundless energy of pure love, peace and oneness.  We are the eternity within that you seek.  

    We come forth as a universal and collective energy that resides within all of you. We are showing you the way of the remembrance within the depth of your being.  We are giving you the encouragement to be in the expansion.  We are here to assist you in tuning into the flow of the universe that brings you life.  We are here to awaken your creative flow of potentiality and bring the knowing of infinite abundance.  

Activation Energy

    We noticed that there has been a momentum taking place in your linear reality.  We have received the call from source to come forth to assist you with this intense activation process, which will empower you to move forward in your expansion process.  

    Your world recently experienced what we interpret as an intense energy wave activation that emanated from the core of your galaxy. The energy wave activation has brought forth a seed of intention that will spring forth an opportunity to experience leap and bounds that you have never experience in your linear perspective.   This intense activation will allow the violet energy of the Vita to blossom through all levels of your being.  This process of expansion is a grand opportunity to express more of your divine nature.

    We want to add that the energy wave is bringing a lot of dense energy to the surface in the collective consciousness field of your planet.  There are events that are playing out in your reality that are mirroring the surfacing of the dense energy throughout the collective consciousness field. The energy of the circumstances that taking place in your reality are creating an intense emotional energy charge that is radiating throughout the collective consciousness of humanity. As you continue to experience these heightened emotions, you will steer yourself more inwards.  This inner and deeper process will allow you the opportunity to release the dense energy at an individual and collective level. As you continue to transmute the dense emotions with the violet energy of the Vita, it will positively impact the collective consciousness field by raising the vibration of love on your planet.  

Your Inner Vita

    As you carry on with the process of tuning into the expression of your inner Vita, it will bring forth the life breath of the universe into your reality.  As you connect with your higher cosmic heart, you will unlock the doorway that awakens your higher dimensional and more expressive nature.  You will develop enough of a clarity that will steer you in the direction of your own cosmic expansion. You will radiate an abundant and creative flow from source.  Trust and know this fully.

    Many blessings of love and light from the Vita Collective.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Ascension Wave

Channeled by  Eric Breault

     Hello beloved beings, we are your galactic family of light and call upon you from beyond the heavenly skies. We are grateful to be present with you during a powerful time in your world.  Know that you all are embarking on a journey of heart expansion into oneness, where you will be embodying more of your inner light, love and authenticity.  As you continue on reading, we encourage you to use discernment and digest information that resonates with you spiritually.  

     You as humanity are presently experiencing a powerful transformation process as you continue to face your shadow selves through the intensity of the global challenges.  As you continue to tread the rough seas in your outer reality, you will be guided to delve inwards more deeply than ever.  Your inner process will allow you to awaken hidden and dormant aspects of your being.  You will be integrating and processing these aspects, so that you can represent more of your authenticity. These lost expressive states of being are meant to awaken you more out of your deep slumber, so that you can be more fully in the intensity of the higher dimensional frequencies that will be vibrating throughout the collective consciousness of humanity and other earthly inhabitants in the coming weeks and months.

     The shift in dimensional frequencies rippling throughout your collective reality will continue intensify as you progress through the coming days, weeks and months.  As you move forward on your ascension process, you will be given an opportunity to create more balance in your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies. As you continue to tune into a space of mindful presence during this expansive process, you will deeply experience the miraculous and transformative power of these higher dimensional frequencies.   

     The energy waves of transformation will allow you to grasp more of your higher dimensional nature.  This intensive process will shake and purge out what no longer serves you.  It is vital for you to drink plenty of water, breath, detach and release as you continue to process and assimilate the frequencies that radiate at a higher octave.  This intensive process will activate a pure expressive state of oneness, divine radiance and unconditional love.  You will enter a heart centered space of faith and trust, which will light a path of clarity ahead of you.

       As you continue on with your process of spiritual integration and refinement, you will begin to tap into more of higher self.  This process can temporarily create a sense of grief because you are letting go of your attachment to your ego self as you integrate more of your higher self into your being.   You are no longer allowing ego to fully run your life, but instead you are the captain of your ego.  This process can cause you to feel empty because you have cut your ties with ego's grip on you.    

      Know that you all have invested wisely on your spiritual journey in the past`years and decades, but you still have more deep and intensive work to contend with.  Those of you who are getting ready to initiate this process more deeply are actually the next wave of souls who are joining the ranks of millions who are on this journey of ascension already.  By joining this amazing process of light expansion, you will accelerate this empowering process of awakening in the collective consciousness even more. 

     Collectively, you are all presently experiencing a third eye activation as you develop a deep intuitive realization that you can create a magnificent futurist world that is primarily heart focused. Know that your higher expression of compassion and empathy will create a bridge for others to follow.

     It is vital that you tune into your heart's center and continue on with the process of spiritual refinement, so that you can incorporate more dormant ways of being into the forefront of your eyes of perception.  As you continue to activate and align yourself through spiritual refinement, you will allow yourself the opportunity to take major leaps in your process of ascension.   

     Remember to stay heart centered and in the flow of this miraculous process because it will clear a pathway on your ascension journey into oneness. Know that persistently tuning into this flow will awaken a pure state of effortless radiance that leads you into the realm of synchronicity.   

      We are grateful for the willingness, dedication and effort in your process of spiritual refinement. You are all truly on the path heart expansion into oneness.  May you keep on with spreading love, compassion and kindness towards self and all.  Know that we are one.  Be well on your journey. Namaste blessings to all!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Dimensional Shift 2020


Dimensional Shift


Channeled to Eric Breault

     Greetings our beloved divine brothers and sisters of earth.  We are your galactic family and call upon you from beyond the heavenly skies. It is such an honor for us to be connecting with you at this time of great transformation and purification on your planet. We have an important message about the process of ascension you all are presently going through. We know that it isn't an easy process to undergo, especially when you are facing challenges. These challenges are drawing you inwards and posing you to question the reality that you live in. We encourage you to step back, stay centered in love, faith and trust as you continue to experience the transmission.  

     During the past several years, we have been keeping a close eye on the break down of your 3rd dimensional control matrix system throughout the collective consciousness of your planet. We knew a challenging global event would eventually trigger this collapse that is taking place in your current society.  Know that this collapse is necessary, in order for your world to take the next leap in consciousness.  This world will gradually shift into a state of harmony, flow and oneness.  We will clarify this process as we move forward with this message.    

     Recently, there has been high frequency of light bathing your planet. It has triggered a deep fear to surface within the collective consciousness of humanity.  The corona virus has surfaced in sync with the light frequency bombardment.  When very intense light frequencies like the recent one hit your planet, it has a tendency to manifest a large scale event that will surface anxiety and fear in the collective consciousness of humanity.  Basically, humanity as a collective are experiencing the dark night of the soul.  This means that everyone is in the process of facing their fears and transmuting them into light.  

     Energetically, the Corona virus is causing a break down in your 3rd dimensional matrix system.  Physically, you can see this taking place in the collapse of your global economic structure.  Your world is on a brink of a major change, unlike any other.  The collective fear will continue to surface and release as the paradigm shift continues.  As you delve deeply in the process, your blind eye will begin to see through the illusion of your old paradigm based on fear.
     The heightened fear is triggering an opportunity for a dimensional shift to take place in your present fall of your matrix system.   As the momentum progresses, you will be guided to look more deeply within the depth of your being.  You will begin to detach and see the illusion of what is taking place in your reality.  You will begin to transcend the fear based patterns that has been withholding you from your authentic self.  

     The inner work and deep reflection is a necessary process as you walk through the trials and tribulations of the Coronavirus and the collapse of your global economy. This process will allow you the grand opportunity to expand and develop the ability tune into the higher dimensional frequency that will be opening up in your perception and consciousness between 2020 to 2030 as you walk through the 4th dimensional rainbow bridge. This gradual process of disintegration and purification within your 3rd dimensional matrix system and rainbow bridge integration will suddenly empower you to initiate major steps in raising your consciousness into the 5th dimensional system. This reality of oneness will lead you into a path of transcendence, which will burn away the dense fear and separation from your essence.  
      The acceleration of the ascension process will eventually peel  away your eyes of illusion. This peeling away will allow you to develop a 5th dimensional perception. Through this heightened perception, you will develop an intuitive realization that oneness allows you to tap into your true self.  You will continue to to break away the dense barriers of illusion and tune into your inner bliss. 

     As you continue to integrate more oneness in your life, you will begin to perceive more beauty, radiance and love within self and all. Once you reach your next juncture on your ascension journey, you will trust and know your authenticity in the space of oneness. 

     The perception of oneness will assist you in creating the 4th dimensional rainbow bridge of light and sound between the 3rd and 5th dimension, which will grant you the ability to expand into the 5th dimensional state of pure consciousness. Transcending into the higher dimensional state of awareness will allow you to fully tap into the flow of authenticity and freedom. 

     As you progress through this process of spiritual awakening, you will begin to look within more deeply and realize your divine connection with all living things. This oneness connection in the higher dimensional state of awareness will permit you to express purified state of consciousness.  After the great purification, you will develop a knowing that tuning into your oneness state of consciousness will allow divinity within you to shine forth in your reality. 

     The 4th dimensional rainbow bridge between the 3rd dimensional earth and 5th dimensional earth will allow you to activate, process and integrate the higher dimensional frequencies. This process of integration has been going on since 2012 and recently started to accelerate exponentially since January of 2020 as the light and sound bombardment began the process of burning away the layers of the 3rd dimensional matrix system. The integration will allow many to undergo a powerful purification process. This process of purging toxicity within the heart, body and mind are preparing you to enter a 5th dimensional state of consciousness.

     You are all making preparations to leave the fear based reality into an all loving one through a self initiation process. It is vital that you tune into the depth of your heart and mind during deep states of breathing and meditation. Plus, drink lots of water and eat healthier foods during these times of great shifts.  Have faith and trust the process. Just know that the ascension process is coming together perfectly, according to the divine intervention call that has been intensely echoing light and sound out of the galactic center in the past few months. It is time to know and trust the process of divine intervention. You are truly ready to know your oneness connection with the cosmos. Allow the higher dimensional energy flow through you freely. It is time to be the radiant stars in the heavens.

      You may not see us in spirit, but we are with you at heart throughout eternity. We have infinite gratitude for all of the phenomenal work you have accomplished. We know you will achieve a lot more in the coming years. Keep up with this intense spiritual work beloved ones. The divine in us embraces the divine in you. We are one. Namaste

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Call from Archangel Uriel and Ascension Master Hilarion

There is a powerful ray of light that has been beaming in the collective consciousness of humanity in the past few weeks. This has posed many beloved beings of light to come forth and relay powerful transmissions to those who are ready to rise in dimensional awareness. 

Archangel Uriel and Ascension Master Hilarion are presently in collaboration, as we take the next leap in consciousness.   They have been motivated to come of assistance during our present transformation at all levels.  They are strongly encouraging all of us to bring more balance, harmony and healing in our spiritual awakening process. To ease the process, we need to open our hearts to them fully.  They are not going to intervene, unless we allow them to do so. 

Here is a great way of allowing them to lovingly intervene.  Say to them, "I call upon Archangel Uriel and Ascension Master Hilarion to enter my space of healing, so that my being can achieve peace, balance and harmony.  I openly believe that you two are coming to assist me through this present process of ascension that is taking place.  I embrace this divine and miraculous ray of light that you beloved ones are beaming through my whole being.  I trust and know that healing is happening at all levels. I am grateful for all of the amazing work you do for me, so that I can move ahead on my journey of expansion.  Namaste Blessings to the both of you.  Amen."

Remember to stay focused in trust as you progress through your spiritual awakening process.  Know that you are loved by many beings of light.  They are here to support us in any way they can, so that we can move forward boldly on this challenging earthly endeavor.

Keep up with the amazing work that you are doing for yourself and others in the name of love.  Be the transformation that you desire to see in this ever changing world.

Love, Light and Blessings to all.  Namaste

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Miraculous & Synchronistic Signs are everywhere!

     A miraculous and spiritual inspiring event happened recently at work. I was in deep thought about my spiritual path towards unconditional love and oneness. Deeply, I asked for a sign to show me if my spiritual healing work was in alignment with love and integrity. Then moments later, a student comes to me with excitement. She had a container of sliced peaches. She kept pointing at the cover with amazement. She was like look at it. She said "Can you see it?" I then gazed closer towards the cover. This is when I saw a tiny piece of peach sticking to the cover in the shape of a perfect heart. I said to her with wide eyes, "Yes, I can see the heart." We both just smiled at each other and moved on with our day with a mini miraculous sign.

     In a world full of challenges, we are at times faced with anger, fear, doubt and sorrow.  During these moments of feeling a bit lost and confused, we can amazingly receive divine guidance from a miraculous sign, especially when our heart and mind stays open.  These divine and miraculous synchronicities can be finding a rock in the shape of a heart, seeing a cloud shaped like an angel, noticing a perfect face forms in the ashes of the fireplace, enjoying a butterfly following you throughout most of your walk in the woods and picking up an informative spiritual book that falls out of the shelf right in front of you.


     When we wholeheartedly awaken and continue on with directing ourselves deeply inwards with great persistence, we will begin to tune into more of who we are.  By tuning into our divine peace, love and radiance with an in depth aproach, we will begin to see more miraculous signs manifest in our life daily.  These signs will help reinforce our spiritual growth and  awakening process towards oneness and unconditional love.  We will continually develop the courage to boldly walk through the challenges that offer us the opportunity to take another leap in consciousness.  Remember to always trust and know that all is truly in divine synchronicity. Namaste

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Ascension Portal & Humanities Awakening


                                                By Eric Breault

     Beloved ones on mother and father earth, you have come a long ways on your spiritual journey of empowerment.  You are now entering a new endeavor as you tune into your divine radiance of unconditional love.  As you connect with your essence, you are intuitively being encouraged to incorporate more healthier eating habits, exercises and mindfulness practices into your daily life as you boldly walk through the process of ascension.  

     Spiritually, mentally and physically, a lot has been transpiring throughout the global consciousness of many on your planet. Recently, millions made the decision to join in actively on the process of ascension.  Many like yourself are undergoing a state of emergence as you collectively experience an influx of higher dimensional frequencies from the galactic center of the milky way.  

     The bombardment  of the higher dimensional frequencies have grown exponentially in the past week as you walked through the November 11/11 at 11:11 crystal and earth grid portal gateway opening into a higher state of being.  In gratitude, many of you have taken the opportunity to spend time in meditation and heal during this powerful time or purging, which contributed to the enhancement of the higher dimensional frequencies of light and divine love. 

     The immense changes that have came forth during this portal opening are now integrating the higher dimensional energies that are permeating throughout your whole being.  You are receiving downloads of information that are allowing you to go through the process of resolution, where you begin to look within more deeply and release imbalanced karmic experiences that no longer serves you.  As you continue to go through this process of releasing at a deeper level, you will begin to awaken and express more of your higher divine self. 

     As you process this energy of ascension in the coming days and months, you will begin to gradually tune into your wholeness. You will experience a sensation of having energy surges, heat flashes, tingly sensations, body twitches, heart palpitations and intense dreams as you adjust to the higher dimensional energies.  You may even experience the ringing in your ears as you adjust to this powerful and uplifting energy.  Remember, your physical body takes more time to process this energy than your chakras and subtle energy field.  Your physical body is slowly getting rid of the blockages and toxic density of the 3rd dimensional energy body.  You are peeling away what no longer serves you and beginning to integrate more fluidity and balance into your existence.   This process of developing your wholeness will bring you into a state of your divine remembrance.  This wholeness entering your field of awareness will help you develop the realization that you need to equally honor both your physical and spiritual wellbeing. You will also see that it is critical to create wholeness with both your feminine and masculine self. Plus, you will begin to honor both the higher dimensional energy of the divine sacred mother earth and the lower dimensional energy of the physical sacred father earth as one.  This bridging of the heavenly earth and physical earth will allow the process of empowerment and healing to take place on your beloved planet.

     Trust and know that you truly are on a sacred journey towards oneness.  When you continue on this voyage into wholeness, you will give others the opportunity to participate in this process of ascension.  Remember to always live in gratitude at all times.  Plus, make sure to always shine divine love upon all those whom you encounter.  May you be well on your endeavor.  Namaste     


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Flowers brings rememberence

"As you lose your way through the journey of life, you need the opportunity to head outdoors and see the beauty of what nature offers you in remembrance.   The morning dew brings releasing tears into your eyes.  The sunlight makes you smile with radiance.  The flowers awakens bliss into your heart.  Nature truly graces your soul with the breathe of unconditional love." - Eric Breault